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Water Reducers

Water reducers that give you control over efficiency and performance.


Viewing Multi-Range Water Reducers
  • Multi-Range Water Reducers
  • High-Range Water Reducers
  • Water Reducers
Multi-Range Water Reducers

NexCrete HTX

Riteks NexCrete HTX is a high-range water-reducing admixture utilizing new and superior polycarboxylate technology for concrete. It is designed to facilitate the placing and finishing of concrete that is highly flowable and workable with greatly accelerated strength characteristics. NexCrete HTX is ideally suited for ready mix and self consolidating concrete mixes.

Features & Benefits

  • Significant water reduction
  • Reduces water content needed for a given workability (12-14%)
  • Improves surface aesthetics and reduces bug holes
  • Improves the quality of concrete by decreasing water-cementitious ratio
  • Increases high early and ultimate strengths both compressive and flexural
  • High durability and increased density
  • Reduces damage caused by freezing and thawing
  • Reduces surface bleeding, cracking, creep, and shrinkage
  • Reduces segregation and increases cohesiveness
  • Improves finish ability and workability of concrete
  • Improves bond strength to the steel
  • Reduces permeability and selt penetration
  • No Viscosity Modifying Admixture needed for self consolidating concrete

NexCrete 1L-X

Riteks NexCrete™ 1L-X is a ready-to-use multi-range water-reducing admixture designed for use in ready-mix concrete. Based on the next generation of polycarboxylate technology, NexCrete 1L-X provides excellent
early compressive strength, faster setting time characteristics and provides fluidity in mix designs with substantially reduced water content. Nexcrete 1L-X shows improved compressive strengths in comparison to commonly used Type A water reducers and faster set times than most Type F water reducers.

Features and Benefits

  • Unique multi-range technology
  • Faster set times- works well with slower setting cements
  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced concrete durability

NexCrete ES

Riteks NexCrete™ ES is a normal setting multi-range water-reducing admixture for concrete utilizing next generation polycarboxylate technology. It is designed to facilitate the placing and finishing of ready mixed concrete that is highly flowable and workable for extended periods of time with normal setting characteristics. By varying the dosage rate, NexCrete™ ES can be used as a normal, mid-range and high-range water-reducing admixture.

Feature and Benefits

  • Improves the quality of concrete by decreasing water cementitious ratio
  • High durability and increased density
  • Reduces damage caused by freezing and thawing
  • Reduces water content needed for a given workability
  • Reduces surface bleeding, cracking, creep, and shrinkage
  • Maintains slump life during extended mixing times
  • Improves bond strength to the steel
  • Reduces permeability and salt penetration

NexCrete 1710

Riteks NexCrete™ 1710 is a ready-to-use high-range water-reducing (HRWR) admixture designed for use in ready-mix concrete. Based on the next generation of polycarboxylate technology, NexCrete 1710 provides excellent early compressive strength, faster setting time characteristics and provides fluidity in mix designs with substantially reduced water content Nexcrete 1710 shows improved compressive strengths in comparison to commonly used Type A water reducers.

Features and Benefits

  • Unique high-range technology
  • Improves slump retention
  • Increases productivity
  • Enhances concrete durability

NexCrete 1610

Riteks NexCrete™ 1610 is a normal setting multi-range water-reducing admixture for concrete utilizing polycarboxylate technology. It facilitates the placing and finishing of ready mixed concrete that is highly flowable and workable for extended periods of time with normal setting characteristics. By varying the dosage rate, Nexcrete 1610 can act as a normal, mid-range and high-range water-reducing admixture.


NexCrete 1410

Riteks NexCrete™ 1410 is a next generation polycarboxylate mid-range water reducer for use in ready-mix concrete. NexCrete 1410 provides superior workability to concrete mix design at substantially reduced water content. NexCrete 1410 has enhanced slump retention and shows improved compressive plus late age strengths in comparison to commonly used Type A water reducers. NexCrete 1410 can also act as a high range water reducing applications.


NexCrete 1200

Riteks NexCrete™ 1200 is a non-chloride mid-range water-reducing concrete admixture. NexCrete 1200 is offers superior workability, finishability, increased compressive and flexural strength (both initial and ultimate) with lower water-cement ratio, and normal set times throughout the whole dosage range. NexCrete 1200 does not contain calcium chloride or any chloride-based components. It will not promote or contribute to corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete.

All concrete applications desiring ease of placement, normal set times, and increased workability can utilize NexCrete 1200.  NexCrete 1200 is used in all flatwork, curb mixes, and walls. NexCrete 1200 is compatible with a wide range of cements, fly ashes, and aggregates.

Features and Benefits

  • Increases pumpability
  • Reduces segregation of mix (even with high slumps)
  • Increases relative durability to freezing and thawing
  • Superior finishing characteristics for flatwork, walls, curb, and tilt-up
  • Better retention of slum than conventional water-reducers
High-Range Water Reducers

EvoTek 2000

Riteks EvoTek™ 2000 is a normal setting high-range water-reducing (HRWR) admixture for concrete utilizing polycarboxylate technology. It is designed to facilitate the placing and finishing of ready-mixed concrete that is highly flowable and workable for extended periods of time with normal setting characteristics. EvoTek 2000 is ideally suited for use in self consolidating concrete mixes. EvoTek 2000 reduces water content (12-40%) needed for a given workability.

Features and Benefits

  • Improves quality of concrete be decreasing water-cementitious ratio while maintaining slump life during extended mixing times
  • Increases compressive and flexural strengths
  • Reduces cracking, creep shrinkage, surface bleeding, and segregation
  • Improves finishability, workability, pumpability, and bond strength to the steel
  • Reduces damage caused by freezing and thawing

EvoTek 7015

Riteks EvoTek™ 7015 is a high-range water-reducing admixture utilizing new and superior polycarboxylate technology for concrete. It is designed to facilitate the placing and finishing of concrete that is highly flowable and workable with greatly accelerated strength characteristics. EvoTek 7015 is ideally suited for ready mix and self consolidating concrete mixes.

Features and Benefits

  • Significant water reduction
  • Reduces water content needed for a given workability
  • Improves surface aesthetics and reduces bug holes
  • Improves the quality of concrete by decreasing water-cementitious ratio
  • Increases high early and ultimate strengths both compressive and flexural
  • High durability and increased density
  • Reduces damage caused by freezing and thawing
  • Reduces surface bleeding cracking, creep, and shrinkage
  • Reduces segregation and increases cohesiveness
  • Improves finishability and workability of concrete
  • Reduces permeability and salt penetration
  • No viscosity modifying admixture needed for self consolidating concrete
  • Better finished surfaces than concrete produced with a viscosity modifying admixture

EvoTek 4000

Riteks EvoTek™ 4000 is a high-range water-reducing (HRWR) admixture based on the next generation of polycarboxylate technology. EvoTek 4000 is for use in ready mix, precast, Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) applications and for aggregate with high clay content. EvoTek 4000 is ready-to-use and provides excellent early compressive strength, faster setting strengths and fluidity in mix designs with substantially reduced water content with improved properties in both plastic and hardened concrete.


EvoTek 3015

Riteks EvoTek™ 3015 is an economical high-range water-reducing (HRWR) admixture based on polycarboxylate technology. EvoTek 3015 is especially suitable for ready mix, pre-cast, SCC and mix designs containing fly ash or pozzolonic material. EvoTek 3015 is ready-to-use and provides excellent early compressive strength, faster setting strengths and fluidity in plastic and hardened concrete.


EvoTek 3000

Riteks EvoTek™ 3000 is a high-range water-reducing (HRWR) admixture based on the next generation of polycarboxylate technology. EvoTek 3000 is designed for use in ready mix, pre-cast and Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) applications. EvoTek 3000 is ready-to-use and provides excellent early compressive strength, faster setting strengths and fluidity in mix designs with substantially reduced water content in both plastic and hardened concrete.

Features and Benefits

  • Significant water reduction
  • Increases workability
  • Reduces labor required for placement
  • Ideal for vertical and horizontal applications
  • Increases long term strength and reduces permeability
  • Excellent early strength development
Water Reducers

FloTek 1240

Riteks FloTek™ 1240 is a normal setting water-reducing admixture for concrete. It facilitates the placing and finishing of concrete while providing control over set time. FloTek 1240 is especially beneficial during hot weather concreting operations when control of setting time and maintenance of placeable consistency are essential.


FloTek 1225

Riteks FloTek™ 1225 is a normal setting water-reducing admixture for concrete. It facilitates the placing and finishing of concrete while providing control over set time. FloTek 1225 is also a set retarding admixture beneficial during hot weather concreting operations when control of setting time and maintenance of placeable consistency are essential.


Explore all products from Riteks’ line of construction chemical solutions.


Elevate your concrete performance with advanced water reducers specially formulated to make placing and finishing concrete easier while controlling setting time.

We know that water reducers are widely used in concrete mixes to increase workability without compromising strength. However, many of our customers face challenges such as slump loss, setting times, and compatibility issues with new cement.

At Riteks, we take a systems-based approach to address these concerns, offering a full suite of admixtures optimized for your specific application.

The FloTek™ series tackles hot weather concreting challenges by giving you full control over setting times. It maintains excellent workability even in scorching temperatures, ensuring the durability of your construction. With these products, you’ll experience uninterrupted workflow and consistent results, even in demanding climates.

The NexCrete™ series offers multi-range water reducers with excellent early compressive strength, faster setting time, and reduced water content in mix designs. With NexCrete, you can establish a strong, durable foundation while improving overall efficiency and performance.

The EvoTek™ series is the pinnacle of high-range water reduction solutions. Powered by innovative polycarboxylate technology, EvoTek™ meets the need for superior workability, enhanced strength, and reduced water consumption without any compromises so you can achieve exceptional results in any environment.

Don’t let extreme weather or conditions hold you back. With a complete range of water reducers, you’ll have the confidence to take on any concrete challenge with ease. 






Talk to an expert today and discover how advanced concrete technology can help you optimize performance and efficiency in your next project.

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  • Reduce Costs
  • Reduce Downtime
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