We are proud to announce our expansion with the acquisition of KATS Coatings
March 19,2024

Explore field tests to comparing TZ-904 vs. a commercial competitor’s product. The coating was applied under misting conditions from the nearby cooling tower w/ minimal surface preparation, and hand-tool cleaning.

Chevron Phillips Port Arthur Plant Cooling Tower Area – Field test to compare TZ-904 vs. a commercial competitor’s product. The coating was applied under misting conditions from the nearby cooling tower w/ minimal surface preparation, and hand-tool cleaning. The competitive coating could not be applied under those conditions. The coating lasted 6 years in the test.


Port of Houston Woodhouse Wharf – Small-scale field trial leading up to the larger Barbours Cut job. Minimal surface preparation of the sheet pilings were carried out, with no striping or sealing.


US Navy Testing: San Diego Navy Pier – First of the Phase III Trials, applied in a specific green color requested by the Navy for this job. The job was about 12,000 sq. ft. total, split between three products applied at 4,000 sq. ft. (Navy’s cold-water application trial)

US Navy: Pensacola Navy Pier – Second of the Phase III Field Trials. Three side by side coatings tested as in San Diego.

Port of Houston: Barbours Cut Terminal – Barbours Cut Terminal application was about 90,000 sq. ft. application of the TZ-904. Surface preparation and application were done well in this job.

Chevron Phillips Bartlesville Plant Caustic Scrubber – Contains 50% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) and 50% sodium hydroxide. Continual leakage of the pump system and piping led to coating failures after 30 to 90 days. The platform was structurally compromised and so ForSField was used to coat it to buy one more year of life before replacement. Surface preparation was minimal; high pressure water blast. After coating w/ TZ-904, the platform survived 5 years before the equipment was replaced.

Mining Acid Tank Area – a concrete containment area used for storing sulfuric acid solution at a mining facility was coated with TZ-904. After 5 years, the inspection indicated the coating was still holding up well.

Mining Strong-Back Application – Strongbacks are supports used to hold the electrodes used for copper purification in mining electro-winning facilities. Surface preparation was minimal and corroded out areas could be filled w/ thicker application of TZ-904 (good gap-filling and adhesion).

Chevron Phillips Shipping Trailers – coated some Sulfolene trailer doors w/ the ForSField G-75 (earlier brushable version). Sulfolene is a solid shipping in bags which slowly degrades, giving off sulfur dioxide which on contact w/ air moisture generated sulfuric acid. This is why the metal trailer doors usually degrade severely over 6 months and need to be replaced frequently. The picture shows the fresh coating as well as the de-glossed bust still completely intact coating after 8 months.

Chevron Phillips Conroe Plant: Secondary Containment